"Who is qualified to define the "Absolute Truths" of Christianity??????"
On MSN News today we find people discussing a movement in the evangelical Christian denomination that has refused to condemn homosexuality as well as questions many of the tenants of the Christian faith.
I say "Good for you". Questioning the authority of any one group has always lead to change. When Martin Luther questioned the Doctrine as well as the actions of the Catholic Church it begot the formation of all Protestant faiths. Why not question it all. For centuries individuals and groups have claimed to be the "One true provider of Gods truths." If any are correct then the rest would have to be wrong by definition. Why does any man need to espouse the "Absolute Truth"???
Last time I checked, whatever your religious beliefs are, the savior had not showed up. And since I cant ask Him/She/It/Them what is right then nether can anyone else. Making up your own mind is what every major organized religion is afraid you will do. Because if you do that then why do you need that group.
I have my belief structure and it works for me. I am not arrogant enough to believe that my way is the only correct way in this world to think or believe.
Societies have revolutions over less things then religious beliefs.
Remember lemmings, Jesus was a Revolutionary Jew long before the term Christian even had a definition.
Sadly, to few of us even think about this.
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