Trying to find a picture of my wife to put in my blog turned this up.
Ok, so today is Mother's Day and I just spent an hour going thru our digital photos to find a picture to put with the title of my wife and my daughter's mother.( I mean it is Mothers Day) Once I started this task I realized just how few pictures of my wife I have. Now like a lot of women I know, she does not like to have her picture taken. ( Unlike my daughter and myself who based on the pictures I have just gone thru love to look at ourselves.) Now, I am proud to have a wife like mine. I love the way she smiles, looks, talks, and acts. (pretty thick huh??) I apparently just don't pay any attention to her or enough attention to realize that we are not taking any pictures of her.
So now I am on a mission. I want more pictures of my wife. So from now on I am going to be a complete shutterbug when it comes to her whether she likes it or not.
Oh yeah, its Mothers Day. Its not about what I want.
Well, maybe no pictures today.
But someday.
If my wife will let me.
Happy Mothers Day Kat.
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