Sunday, March 05, 2006

Have we forgotten what it means to be parents???

A big issue around the country is how to protect our children. I could spend quite some time listing all the things we need to protect our children from and still not cover them all so I wont. I will just say we need to protect our kids. Period.

Now if you read the news, you know, MSN or Yahoo news or CNN.Com etc you will see stories on who is responsible to protect them in certain situations ranging from the The Board of Education to Transit Authorities to Airlines to The Authorities etc, etc, etc. "Everyone is responsible for the safety of my child."


As a parent "I" am responsible for all aspects of my child's life. Ultimately that is the answer. If your child is an asshole, You are at fault. If your child is a brat, You are at fault. If your child is put in a dangerous situation at school and gets hurt or even worse, You are at fault. If an internet predator finds your child on the net and does horrible things, You are at fault. If your child is attacked on the street, You are at fault. Do I really need to explain??

Ok, I will.

Parenting is not done lightly. It is not easy nor is there an easier way. Once you have a child you have ultimately only one responsibility. That is the well being of that child until that child is no longer a child. Your own self, needs, wants, desires, take a back seat to the well being of that child. Only the well being of your child is truly important. So when I say"You are at fault" I mean it. Did you check out the schools you are sending your child to enough to know they are safe?? Did you research your community you live in?? Are you making sure that the websites they visit or the television channels they watch are appropriate for them?? The answer for 90% of good old US of A parents is a resounding NO. And please don't give me the crap about " I cant afford to live in a better place." Work two jobs. Sell Amway. Set up an E-bay Job. What ever you have to do is what you should do. Period.

Don't Like this. Tough. You had children. Now do your part to make sure they have the best you can provide in the best environment you can provide all the while teaching your child proper social and developmental skills that they need to become good solid, productive adults who will hopefully do the same for their children when and if that time comes.

Thats the gist of "The Job".

Tragedy happens all the time. Did you do all you could do to make sure it doesn't or do you plan on blaming everyone and everything else for your own shortcomings??

Think about it.



Blogger hippietim said...

Well, your points are good in general. Life is not so black and white though. You can say it's my fault if my child is attacked. And if I live in some total shithole or ignored their online activities you'd be right.

But the simple fact of the matter is that the piece's of shit of society are made of the same basic fibers as you and I. As such, some of them are clever, powerful, crafty, and even intelligent. Some even more so than you or I - not many mind you but some :) Couple that with their nefarious intentions and a willingness to risk their freedom and/or life, you have a situation where the best protection is not always enough.

The truth be told, I fear for my children's future safety more and more as they will enter the age of military service in a frightenly short period of time. The only protection from that outcome is to leave or buy their exemption like the children of privelege.

8:36 AM  
Blogger dino said...

Yes Hippie, I am being a little misengenuious(spelling is not my strong point) in my writting of this one. You cannot save everyone from the evil hoardes. However, most people do NOTHING at all and hold that everyone else at fault. You and I are not the norm. We are the exception.

As far as the fear of the future I think you are right. I want to hope that the will of the people would never allow this. But since I have just written about how most people are not responsible enough to watch over their own children why would I think they could look out for whole country.

Again I say "dance lemmings dance".
only this time I hope we dont get what we might deserve.

5:02 PM  
Blogger hippietim said...

If I were a politician, I would not fear the will of the people one bit. In the last 20 years, the government has whittled away at our fundamental freedoms, sold our jobs to the lowest bidder, gotten us involved in conflicts under false pretenses multiple times, driven us in and out of ginormous debt, etc.

It ain't a Democrat thing. It ain't a Republican thing. It's American apathy plain and simple.

10:02 PM  

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