Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Thank you Christian Right. Now I have to be scared at home too.

Today I watched a special with Tom Brokaw interviewing evangelical Christians about their opinions and the power that this group wields in US politics today. After watching this show I am now scared to death that I will be living in a United States that will be run by a group of people that believe that they not only have "The Answer" but that people that do not agree with their interpretation of "The Answer" are un-enlightened and need to understand that this is the ONLY way to "The Answer". Am I the only person that realizes that the Taliban in Afghanistan felt the same way. Please understand, I wear a cross for a reason. But that reason is my own. I have beliefs that some would define as Christian. I believe that I have the answer for me. I am not against the morality of the evangelical Christians. I am against any one group that has the only answer. History has had many such groups not just the Taliban. The Nazi's. Khmer Rouge. Stalinist Russia. The Uganda of Idi Amin. "Oh, that's not Christian groups." you may say. How about both of the Catholic inquisition's or the many Holy Wars. "Well that was a long time ago not today." Maybe one should look into the wars in Croatia and Serbia for more resent issues. Or maybe we should just hide our head in the sand and let History repeat itself. Because there is one thing I am absolutely sure. HISTORY WILL ALWAYS REPEAT IT SELF IF YOU LET IT!!!!
Thanks Tom Brokaw. The Taliban and Iraq are thousands of miles away. Where I live there are Baptist Churches each mile every mile.
(This is of course hugely extrapolated. I am not at this time afraid of Baptist. Its the Adventist I really fear.)



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