Wednesday, September 13, 2006

I got this from another blog. And thought, interesting view point.


Please, if you can't figure out that this is sarcasm and not serious then please don't leave a comment. Rather go outside and jump in front of a Mac Truck. Your genetic material should not be in the gene pool.


Why the war with Iran would be a good thing

Let me be clear from the start: it doesn't really matter whether it is Iran or any other country.How would your life improve if most of the males 18-35 years old were to be shipped somewhere to fight a war and eventually die?Granted, it may suck if you are a dad of one of those, but consider the bright side: you may not need to pay for his college! None of your retirement money will be wasted helping financing his first home, for example. Or his kids pranks, you name it. Moreover, if you were never nor would ever be able to pay for his college, you don't need to feel bad about it. There is a chance he may die and make you proud. Isn't the system just wonderful? From an utter human failure, who either drank too much or busted your behind to make some other guy rich, you may become a celebrated and respected hero's dad.Guess who is making most kids nowadays? Who else but the criminals, the minorities and in general poor people. So why would you care about what happens to their male kids? What kind of a better world can you hope for with them around? In any case, the most aggressive and dangerous population among the humans on every part of this globe are exactly young males 18-35 years old. Killers, criminals, troublemakers, etc. that's all them.Now, if you are lucky enough not to be related to any of those guys just imagine: you go to bar for a drink and there are at least ten 18-25 years old young women around who have absolutely no chance of ever finding their mates, because most of those are shipped out or dead, fighting a distant war. Wouldn't that be cool?No young pricks changing lanes ever few seconds, honking horns, listening to the loud music, cutting you off as if you don't exist, taking advantage of every possible traffic situation in their dad's SUV and ruining your every day as you drive to work or, if you are retired, to check your prostate.Nope. None of that BS. The aggressive pricks are all somewhere serving as a food for cannons. Think about it next time and, when asked, say yes to war. Any war.


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