Thursday, April 24, 2008

Are we looking at the beginning of the downfall of our society????

You know, things have changed dramatically in our society in just the last 30 years. When I was a child in the 70's children were not allowed to act the way they act today. If you don't know what I'm talking about let me outline it.

Let me define "Children". Person between 5 years old and 15 years old.

1. Children at a young age have no respect for others, not just their senior in years.
Go to any mall or big box store and watch children act. Rarely do you hear "Yes Sir" or "No Ma'am". Employees at said locations are treated like they are less then the child by having to for go demands and actions that no self respecting parent would allow a child to say or do.

2. Children yell at their parents. They throw temper tantrums as well as successfully negotiate bratty demands. Need to see this go to a grocery store and watch a child grab "Anything" off a shelf and demand it. Watch the results.

3. Children will do an act that they know is unacceptable and do nothing to make it right or "Fix It" Same scenario as above only the child has spilled/broke something on the floor.

These are just some examples. I am sure you can come up with some of your own if you think about it. Now this is not all children. Nor is it most. But it is a large percentage of them. A much larger percentage then when I was young.

Why do you think this is happening?

I believe I can tell you.

Because most parents are afraid to parent. And have been for sometime. Why are they afraid??? There are many reasons but I believe that primarily parents have stopped being parents because it is easier to be friends. Parents have become advice givers instead of law givers.

What a crock of shit!!!!!

A parents has one job. That is to raise a child to the best of their ability. Preparing the child for life in the real world. To nurture that child in such a way that they are a benefit to society. If not a benefit then at least not a drain.

Where in there is a mention of friend??? No where. Yes I want my child to love me as well as like me.


In the 3 examples I give above only one has a consequence. #2's consequence is that the child gets what they want.

That only teaches them to perpetuate the action.

We have a nation of spoiled children. As our children age they stay spoiled children. And spoiled children make crappy citizens. Citizens that believe they are entitled to be taken care of, not be punished for their actions, and act out in anyway they wish. Even if it is counterproductive to society.

So if our children as well as ourselves are counterproductive to society how can that society survive????

Think about it Citizens.

And start to act. Our society depends on it.



Blogger TLA said...

Thank you for the kind comments on my blog! Ill be sure to check yours out.

Did you go to the World Beer Festival this weekend? I posted the beers I tasted and started to comment on them...

Have a nice week :)

7:41 PM  

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