Thursday, September 21, 2006

The American People do not now understand nor will they ever understand the "Arab Mindset"

For some reason American politicians seem to think they have an understanding of the Arab mindset. Our Politicians seem to think that "All" people have something in common. This "Thing" is living in a peaceful democratic society where all people have the freedom of religion, expression, free will, happiness, and all the other sunshine and rainbow things that make America, America.


Why as an American do we think we can understand any other groups needs wants desires etc. and why do we think that we qualify as the defining people to do just that????

We will never understand the Arab mindset. We are not supposed too. We are not Arabs. We are Americans.


In the United States we are supposed to be the "Great American Melting Pot". But we as a people are not Americans. We are a hyphenated people. African-American. Chinese-American. Mexican-American. Etc. Yes I know that this has been all before. But now put it into the context of the war in Iraq. If we do not and can not understand our fellow Americans, and we definitely do not, how do we understand anyone else. Nevermind make life changing decisions in the name of our great "World Understanding" for people who do not feel, act, nor wish to be understood by us in anyway.

So why cant we let the world live the way it wants too??? Why are we the moral and ethical decision makers??

We know when any large population of people has reached its wits end with its government then the masses historically rise up and make the social changes that that society deem necessary through some sort of revolution.


We know this historically. So why do we think that suddenly the world is going to change its spots now.

America has different cultures within its border and are making no attempt to integrate these cultures into an America where we are all "Americans First" then whatever we want to be second.

Let the rest of world focus on their own problems and let us focus on the United States of America.

Think about it


Wednesday, September 13, 2006

I got this from another blog. And thought, interesting view point.


Please, if you can't figure out that this is sarcasm and not serious then please don't leave a comment. Rather go outside and jump in front of a Mac Truck. Your genetic material should not be in the gene pool.


Why the war with Iran would be a good thing

Let me be clear from the start: it doesn't really matter whether it is Iran or any other country.How would your life improve if most of the males 18-35 years old were to be shipped somewhere to fight a war and eventually die?Granted, it may suck if you are a dad of one of those, but consider the bright side: you may not need to pay for his college! None of your retirement money will be wasted helping financing his first home, for example. Or his kids pranks, you name it. Moreover, if you were never nor would ever be able to pay for his college, you don't need to feel bad about it. There is a chance he may die and make you proud. Isn't the system just wonderful? From an utter human failure, who either drank too much or busted your behind to make some other guy rich, you may become a celebrated and respected hero's dad.Guess who is making most kids nowadays? Who else but the criminals, the minorities and in general poor people. So why would you care about what happens to their male kids? What kind of a better world can you hope for with them around? In any case, the most aggressive and dangerous population among the humans on every part of this globe are exactly young males 18-35 years old. Killers, criminals, troublemakers, etc. that's all them.Now, if you are lucky enough not to be related to any of those guys just imagine: you go to bar for a drink and there are at least ten 18-25 years old young women around who have absolutely no chance of ever finding their mates, because most of those are shipped out or dead, fighting a distant war. Wouldn't that be cool?No young pricks changing lanes ever few seconds, honking horns, listening to the loud music, cutting you off as if you don't exist, taking advantage of every possible traffic situation in their dad's SUV and ruining your every day as you drive to work or, if you are retired, to check your prostate.Nope. None of that BS. The aggressive pricks are all somewhere serving as a food for cannons. Think about it next time and, when asked, say yes to war. Any war.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

"Who is qualified to define the "Absolute Truths" of Christianity??????"

On MSN News today we find people discussing a movement in the evangelical Christian denomination that has refused to condemn homosexuality as well as questions many of the tenants of the Christian faith.

I say "Good for you". Questioning the authority of any one group has always lead to change. When Martin Luther questioned the Doctrine as well as the actions of the Catholic Church it begot the formation of all Protestant faiths. Why not question it all. For centuries individuals and groups have claimed to be the "One true provider of Gods truths." If any are correct then the rest would have to be wrong by definition. Why does any man need to espouse the "Absolute Truth"???

Last time I checked, whatever your religious beliefs are, the savior had not showed up. And since I cant ask Him/She/It/Them what is right then nether can anyone else. Making up your own mind is what every major organized religion is afraid you will do. Because if you do that then why do you need that group.

I have my belief structure and it works for me. I am not arrogant enough to believe that my way is the only correct way in this world to think or believe.

Societies have revolutions over less things then religious beliefs.

Remember lemmings, Jesus was a Revolutionary Jew long before the term Christian even had a definition.

Sadly, to few of us even think about this.
