Saturday, March 18, 2006

How do we as a nation justify the cost of prosecuting a Canadian for selling pot seeds???

In the above article on we find that the U.S. DEA is trying to extradite a Canadian citizen who has openly sold pot parafinalia and pot seeds for over 8 years in Canada. He has not only declared what he does openly in public but has fought for legalization of majiuana as well as declared his job of "Selling Majiuana seeds as well as parifinalia" on his tax forms. This man is not in hiding nor is he trying to hide. He has had a bit of celebrity for his occupation for some time and openly defends his position all over Canada as well as supporting law reforms within the USA.

And the powers that be within the USA don't like it. So what do we do??? We try a sting that doesn't really work. And spend hundreds of thousands of dollars trying to get this gentlemen to the US of A, on lawyers, on travel expenses for staff and lawyers, for everything you can think of for no real payoff.

What is the Payoff???

There is no tangible payoff in my eyes. I am not an advocate of illegal drugs. Having said this if this man was exporting pounds of weed into the US I would feel different. He is not. He sells only seeds. His customers must grow it. That takes a lot of effort, time, and cost. You want to prosecute someone, prosecute the grower. This man is guilty of breaking the law. I believe that. But we and the Canadian Government are guilty of turning a blind eye to his business for 8 years. Lets not spend hundreds of thousands of dollars in prosecution. Lets just contact all the shipping companies that ship his products and force them to stop. If you can't get your product to the customer you can't get paid.

We are already throwing good money after bad in drug wars, real wars, ridiculous scandal research, spin doctors and fake government studies of other government studies. Can we stop the wasteful spending????

A long time ago we had common sense and practical thoughts. Not today. Sense is not "Common". Our thoughts are not "Practical".

"What is in it for me???" This statement leads to everyone wanting a piece of the pie particularly when we are damn sure not entitled to it.

Think about it



Blogger hippietim said...

the things our government and courts can manage to care about is tragically comical sometimes.

pot seeds? c'mon.

7:31 PM  

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