Is Even MSNBC News Putting A Spin on Information to Help Wag the Dog???
Today on there is an interesting article which people should read entitled
Poll: Relations poor between Muslims, West
Here is a brief quote.
"Terror support dropping.
One of the more surprising findings in the poll was that solid majorities in Indonesia (65 percent), Turkey (59 percent), Egypt (59 percent) and Jordan (53 percent) said they do not believe the Sept. 11 attacks on the United States were carried out by groups of Arabs.
But Muslim support for terrorism is dropping in some countries. In Indonesia, Pakistan and especially in Jordan, there have been declines in the number of people who say suicide bombings can be justified."
What seems to me to be the glaring impropriety is not that the majority in the polled countries don't believe that Arabs did the 9/11 bombings. It is that the % of Muslims who say suicide bombings can be justified. We are informed that the numbers have declined. Not that originally these numbers were more then half the population. We have not been told that. The fact is that this is fact, that more then half of most Arab countries find suicide bombings justified. The fact that most Arab Muslims want to destroyIsraell as well as the Arab Muslim mentality of blaming everything on the United States is mentioned but again without the percentages.
Oh and did I mention that most "Arabs" polled for this article are not in the Middle east.
Here is where they are from exactly.
"The nations in which polling was conducted were China, Egypt, France, Germany, Great Britain, India, Indonesia, Japan, Jordan, Nigeria, Pakistan, Russia, Spain, Turkey and the United States."
If you are paying attention, seven of these 15 countries supported or currently support the U.S. of A. in Iraq.
If we actually polled Arab Muslims in Arab Middle Eastern countries, How much worse would these percentages be???
CHefdino says "It is not the question of " Who is watching the Watchmen? " anymore citizens, it is "How do you tell the real truth from the facts that are being presented to us and What is the motivation for doing so??"
I am afraid for all of us sometimes.
I am a pretty intelligent person.
I take the time to pay attention to the news.
But what do we do when the news is not informing us but instead is directing us in a direction not of our, the peoples, best interest????
And who is deciding what is in "Our" best interest if its not the informed citizen???
Please think about this.