Sunday, March 19, 2006

What I am entitled too?

Everyone comes into this world with certain rights. What those rights are depend on where you live. This is a fact of life. I cannot tell you or anyone else everything you are entitled to. The only ones I know for sure is this. You are entitled to try to make the best of what ever environment you find yourself in. And you are also entitled to lay down and die.

that's it.

that's all anyone is truly entitled to. Not love and happiness. Not financial success. Not the air you breath nor are you entitled to the clothes on your back. Not anything truly tangible.

And yet everyday people believe that they are entitled to all of this and more.

What gives people this sense of entitlement??? That is the million dollar question. Today's average American makes more money and has more physical objects then ever before in American history. And yet that same "Citizen" has done the very least in order to maintain that standard of living. Your average 30 something has not fought in any world war. He doesn't fight to maintain any personal freedoms nor has he fought to keep the industries (that keep our standard of living so high ) that are leaving at a record rate from leaving this country. He complains about everything but has not fielded a "REAL" solution to any of our societies woes for at least a generation. His current solution is no solution.

You want a good example of this?

How about Oil Processing Plants???

The current administration as well as the big four oil companies say the problem is not oil supply. It is oil processing facilities. We ( THE US OF A ) don't have enough to handle the demand for gas. We have the property to provide. We have the unemployed to staff it. We have the engineers to design it. And we have the high price of gas to motivate us.


No one wants it in their backyard. No one state at this point wants to fight to put one in. Politically this would be fought by the environmentalists to land owners and everyone in between. Why??? Because the average person is not willing to make personal sacrifice in order to help the country as a whole. Never mind the jobs it would provide, the industry brought in to that state, the tax revenue that state could garner through the production as well as potential for inexpensive gas.

"We can't be bothered with this kind of solution right now. Gas prices have gone up and our government and its citizens are to concerned with getting the next vote then solving the real issues. "

Remember "Ask not what your country can do for you but what can you do for your country"????

We have gone to the well for things we are "Entitled To" to many times. Isn't it time to give back?????

THink about it.



Blogger hippietim said...

the problem is not oil processing plants. it's our dependence on oil. we have millions of cars on the road capable of running on alternative fuels that have no place to buy the fuel. go figure.

7:29 PM  
Blogger dino said...

How we are dealing with our fuel issues is a symptom. Our need to get what is best for the individual without thought or consideration for the whole is the disease.

4:21 AM  
Blogger hippietim said...

i don't disagree but at the same time do you want an oil processing plant in your backyard? your property values will take a nose dive. you know it ain't particularly good thing to be around.

i suppose you are ok with the oil processing plant or you wouldn't have brought it up.

how about a prison? minimum security corrections facility? halfway house for drug addicts? water treatment plant? dupont chemical factory? nuclear power plant? paper mill?

personally i think the president and the oil companies are full of shit when it comes to processing plants being the bottleneck. i think it's their purse strings myself. how about we tear down some of their lame country clubs and build a refinery in their neighborhood?

6:16 AM  
Blogger dino said...

I would not fight against any of the things hippietim brings up. Not because I want them in my backyard, but because if there is a need, and there is, then they have to go somewhere. As far as knocking down their country clubs to put any of these up, hell yeah I would be for that. But somehow I dought that the powers that be would have that since there are so many non-voters in low end areas that they could place all of societies crap into without the reprocutions of putting it in my mine, yours, or heaven forbid, thier backyard.

9:46 AM  
Blogger hippietim said...

thanks for helping me make my point.

10:42 AM  

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